
Calculates how many seconds have elapsed since 12:00 AM GMT on January 1, 1970 (taking into account the current time zone specified on the local computer.)

Function Group Execution Windows Embedded Thin Client
DateTime2Clock Date & Time Synchronous Supported Supported Supported


DateTime2Clock( strDate, strTime )
The date to be used in the calculation.
The time to be used in the calculation.

Returned value

Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since 12:00 AM GMT on January 1, 1970.


Tag Name Expression
Tag DateTime2Clock( "12/31/1969", "18:00:00" ) // If the computer is in the Central time zone. Returned value = 0
Tag DateTime2Clock( "04/15/2002", "10:59:19" ) // If the computer is in the Central time zone. Returned value = 01018886359
Note: This function takes into account the current Time Zone, as specified in the Control Panel of the local computer.