
Establishes a dial-up connection.

Function Group Execution Windows Embedded Thin Client
DialUp Dial-up Asynchronous Supported (see note) Supported Supported
Note: This function is not supported on Windows 7.


DialUp( numType, strPhonebookEntryOrModem, strUserName, strPassword, optStrDomain, strPhoneNumber )
A numeric flag that specifies the content of the strPhonebookEntryorModem parameter.
  • 0: Phonebook Name
  • 1: Modem Name
  • 2: Direct Connection Name
The Phonebook Name, Modem Name, or Direct Connection Name used to make the connection. The numType parameter specifies which of these methods is used.
The Username to use for logging on.
The Password to use for logging on.
Optional The domain name to specify when logging on.
The phone number to dial (used only when the parameter numType=1).

Returned value

0 OK: dialing started
−1 Error: INDRAS.DLL not found
−2 Error: INDRAS.DLL damaged
−3 Error: invalid number of parameters (minimum=5)
-4 Invalid value for the numType parameter (0 or 1)
-5 Invalid value for the strPhonebookEntryOrModem parameter (string)
-6 PhoneBook or Modem does not exist
-7 PhoneBook or Modem is in use
Depends of the numType parameter:
  • If numType = 0: Could not read properties from PhoneBook.
  • If numType = 1: More than 1000 connections are enabled at same time.
-9 Unable to create a temporary PhoneBook.


The operating system's RAS Server executes the dial-in for Windows PC stations automatically.


Tag Name Expression
Tag DialUp( 0, "OfficeDialup", "Guest", "Password" )
Tag DialUp( 1, "USRobotics_SportsterFaxModem", "HR12378", "HRPass", "15125554321" )
Tag DialUp( 2, "DirectDial", "Rberton", "MyPassword", "")

See also: FindModem()