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Returns status of the last email sent using the SendEmailExt function.

Function Group Execution Windows Embedded Thin Client
GetStatusSendEmailExt Email Synchronous Supported Supported Supported


GetStatusSendEmailExt( { | optTagName } )
Optional tag that causes the function to update its return value. This parameter is optional but you must use it when configuring this function for an object animation (e.g., Text Data Link, Position).

Returned value

−2 Incorrect version of the INDMail.DLL library.
−1 The INDMail.DLL library is corrupted.
0 SendEmailExt function is not being executed.
1 Still sending last email. Cannot execute the SendEmailExt function.
2 Last email was sent successfully. You can execute the SendEmailExt function again.
3 There was an error sending the last email. Execute the SendEmailExt function again.


Tag Name Expression
Tag  GetStatusSendEmailExt( Second )
Tag GetStatusSendEmailExt()