
Sends e-mail messages with attached files.

Function Group Execution Windows Embedded Thin Client
SendEmailExt Email Asynchronous Supported Supported Supported


SendEMailExt( strSubject, strMessage, strTo, optStrCc, optStrBcc, optStrFile1, … , optStrFileN )
The e-mail subject (up to 255 characters).
The e-mail message (up to 255 characters).
The recipient's address. You can specify more than one recipient, using a semicolon (;) to separate the addresses.
The recipients' addresses to be Cc'ed. You can specify more than one recipient, using a semicolon (;) to separate the addresses.

This is an optional parameter, but if you need to use subsequent parameters, then you can specify a null string ("") here.

The recipients' addresses to be Bcc'ed. You can specify more than one recipient, using a semicolon (;) to separate the addresses.

This is an optional parameter, but if you need to use subsequent parameters, then you can specify a null string ("") here.

optStrFile (1-N)
Complete file paths and names of file attachments.

Returned value

−4 Some of the attached files were not found.
−3 Wrong number of parameters (at least three parameters are required).
−2 The INDMail.DLL library version is incorrect.
−1 The INDMail.DLL library is corrupted.
0 Success
1 Cannot execute the function because the last e-mail has not been sent yet.
2 Internal error


Before you can send any email, you must first use the CnfEmail function to configure the email settings. Incorrect settings can result in several different error codes (see "Returned value" above).


Tag Name Expression
Tag SendEmailExt( "Subject", "Message", "", "", "", "C:\Projects eport.txt" )
Tag SendEmailExt( "Subject", "Message", "", "", "", "C:\TechRef51.doc" )