This function configures the FTP settings used by other features in the project that can transfer files, such the FTPGet and FTPPut functions.

Function Group Execution Windows Embedded Thin Client
CnfFTP FTP Synchronous Supported Supported Supported


CnfFTP( strServer, optStrUser, optStrPwn, optNumPassiveMode, optNumPort )
The address of the FTP server.
The username for the FTP account.

This parameter is optional; if no value is given, then the username "anonymous" is used by default.

The password for the FTP account.

This parameter is optional; if no value is given, then the password is left blank.

A numeric flag that specifies whether Passive FTP mode is enabled. (Passive FTP can be used to bypass some firewall configurations.)
0 Passive FTP mode is disabled.
1 Passive FTP mode is enabled.

This parameter is optional; if no value is given, then Passive FTP mode is disabled by default.

The TCP/IP port number.

This parameter is optional; if no value is given, then port 21 is used by default.

Returned value

0 Success
−1 Invalid number of parameters
−2 Invalid server name
−3 Invalid user name
Note: This function does not actually conncect to the server, so these error codes do not show the quality of the connection. They only show whether the FTP settings have been successfully configured.


You must call this function at least once to configure these settings before you can use the FTPGet and FTPPut functions to transfer files.


Tag Name Expression
Tag CnfFTP( "", "admin", "12345", 1 ) // Configures the FTP server using passive mode.