
Returns the time remaining before the password for a specific user expires.

Function Group Execution Windows Embedded Thin Client
GetUserPwdAging Security Synchronous Supported Supported Supported


GetUserNames( strUser )
User name whose password aging is checked.

Returned value

≤0 Number of hours since password expired.
0 Specified user is not logged on.
>0 Number of hours remaining until password expires.
Note: If the function is not executed properly (e.g., User Name is invalid), or if the specified user is not logged on, then the function returns BAD quality.


Tag Name Expression
TagHoursToExpire GetUserPwdAging("John") // Returns the number of hours before the password for the User "John" expires.
TagHoursToExpire GetUserPwdAging(UserName) // Returns the number of hours before the password for the current User logged on the system expires.