
Returns the maximum value of a set of numbers.

Function Group Execution Windows Embedded Thin Client
Max Statistical Synchronous Supported Supported Supported


Max( numValue1, numValue2, … , numValueN )
Max( "tagArray", numSample, optNumIgnore )
Note: This function has two formats:
  • If the first parameter is a numeric tag or value, you must use the Max( numValue1, numValue2, … , numValueN ) format.
  • If the first parameter is an array tag in double-quotes or a string tag, you must use the Max( "tagArray", numSample, optNumIgnore ) format.
numValue (1…N)
Integer or Real tags containing the numbers to be analyzed.
Name of array tag (Real or Integer) containing the values to be analyzed.
The number of array elements to be analyzed.
Integer or Real tags containing the value to be ignored in the analysis.

Returned value

Returns the maximum value of the set.


Tag Name Expression
Tag Max( 1, 2.34, 5, 7, 4, 8, 9.4 ) // Returned value = 9.4
Tag Max( 1, 5, -9, 0, 5, 3 ) // Returned value = 5
Tag Max( "tagArray[1]", 3 ) // If tagArray[1]=10, tagArray[2]=20 and tagArray[3]=60, then the Returned Value = 60
Tag Max( "tagArray[1]", 3, 10 ) // If tagArray[1]=10, tagArray[2]=20 and tagArray[3]=60, then the Returned Value = 60