
Converts a timestamp from UTC standard notation into a formatted string, adjusted to reflect the Time Zone setting in the Control Panel of the local computer.

Function Group Execution Windows Embedded Thin Client
StrFromTime String Synchronous Supported Supported Supported


StrFromTime( numUTCTime, numType )
An integer, or a tag of Integer type. A timestamp given in UTC standard notation.
An integer, or a tag of Integer type. Specifies the format of the resulting string, as described in the following table:
Value of numType Description
1 Displays the date in the same format that is selected in the Control Panel on the local computer.
2 Displays the time in the same format that is selected in the Control Panel on the local computer.
3 Displays a standard 24-character string that shows both date and time.
4 Displays the abbreviated name of the day of the week.
5 Displays the full name of the day of the week.

Returned value

This function returns a string representation of the given timestamp, with the specified formatting. The returned value can be stored in any tag of String type.


The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) standard counts the number of seconds elapsed since 12:00 AM GMT on January 1, 1970. Each day consists of 86,400 seconds.


Note: The examples below are for a computer set to Eastern Standard Time (or UTC −05:00).
Tag Name Expression
Tag StrFromTime( 86400, 1 ) // Returned value = "1/1/70"
Tag StrFromTime( 86400, 2 ) // Returned value = "07:00:00 PM"
Tag StrFromTime( 86400, 3 ) // Returned value = "Thu Jan 01 19:00:00 1970"
Tag StrFromTime( 86400, 4 ) // Returned value = "Thu"
Tag StrFromTime( 86400, 5 ) // Returned value = "Thursday"