Gets information from computers or network devices through the SNMP protocol.

Function Group Execution Windows Embedded Thin Client
SNMPGet System Info Synchronous Supported Not supported Supported


SNMPGet( strAddress, strCommunity, strOID, "strTagName" )
The address of the machine/computer (e.g., "" or "localhost" ).
SNMP community name when communicating with the computer (e.g., "public" ).
OID to be consulted (e.g., "." ).
Name of the tag that will receive the requested value.
Note: The tag name must be enclosed in quotes, as shown in the syntax diagram, or else the project will try to get the value of the named tag.

Returned value

Value Description
0 No error
−1 Invalid number of parameters
−2 Invalid parameter
−3 Cannot connect to the remote machine
−4 Cannot connect to the remote machine
−5 GET operation failed
−6 Invalid OID
−7 Invalid tag name
−8 Invalid tag type
−9 This function is not supported in the current OS


Tag Name Expression
ErrorTag SNMPGet( "", "public", ".", "SysDescrTag" ) //ErrorTag will receive the error code. If the function succeeds, the value in the OID "." will be saved in the tag SysDescrTag.