To create and maintain accounts for project
users, click the Users button on
the Security System dialog.
(Alternately, to configure a user, open the Users folder located in the Security folder.)
Account dialog displays.
Figure 1.
User Account
After the project initializes, if no users log on (or
when the current user logs off), then the project automatically
logs on the default user (Guest).
In addition to the default Guest
user, there is a Guest group,
which has default privileges that enable all tasks. We recommend
that you evaluate and edit the Guest group's privileges to specify a minimal
amount of privileges for the start up procedure.
To create a new user, click New to open the New User Account dialog.
To delete a user, click the User combo-box button, select the user name
from list, and then click Delete.
To configure a user, use the following procedure:
- Click the User
combo-box button and select a user from the list.
- If necessary, click the User is blocked checkbox to block the
selected user.
Note: The
Runtime user option indicates
that a user was created during runtime using the
CreateUser function. It cannot be selected for a user
created using the procedure described here.
- Click the new Settings button to open the User Settings dialog:
Figure 2.
User Settings
- Configure the parameters on this dialog as follows:
- User Full Name
text box (optional): Type the user's full
- New Password text
box: Type the user's password.
- Confirm Password
text box: Re-type the user's password.
- In the Available
Groups list, select the group(s) to which the user should be
assigned, and then click > to
move those group(s) to the Assigned
Groups list.
- When you are finished, click OK to apply the changes and close the
Settings dialog.