Observe the following guidelines when naming a tag:
Your tag names must be
unique — you cannot specify the same name for two
different tags (or functions). If you type an existing tag name,
IWS recognizes that
the name exists and will not create the new tag.
You must begin each tag name with a letter. Otherwise, you can use letters, numbers, and
the underscore character (_) in your
tag name.
You cannot use the following
symbols in a tag name:
` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - = \ + \ [ ] { } < > ?
You can use a maximum of 255 characters for a tag
name or a class member name.You can use uppercase and lowercase
characters. Tag names are not case sensitive.
Because IWS does
not differentiate between uppercase and lowercase characters, you
can use both to make tag names more readable. (For example:
TankLevel instead of tanklevel.)
Tag names must be different from system tag names
and math functions.
Note: Use the
@ character at the beginning of a
tag name to indicate that the tag will be used as an indirect tag in the