Color Interface

You can edit the color of a component with the Color interface.
  1. Click the icon in the toolbar.
  2. Click the desired color from the twenty that display when the pop-up box opens: 

    The selected color will be applied to the component that you are editing.

  3. Click More Colors… if you want to apply a different color. The Colors dialog will open, displaying the 143 standard colors from your operating system.

  4. Click the Custom tab to edit the HSL (Hue, Sat, Lum) or RGB (Red, Green, Blue) codes of any of the 143 standard colors, creating a custom color.

  5. Click OK to apply the selected color to the component that is being edited.
  6. Depending on the component that you are editing, the Fill Effects option is available from the pop-up interface (see step 2 above). Click this option to apply gradient colors with different styles and variants. The Fill Effects dialog will open.

  7. Select two colors in the Start and End fields, select the Style, and click on the chosen Variant. Finally, click OK to apply the fill effect to the component which is being edited.
Note: For projects on Windows Embedded target systems, the Fill Effects interface is available only for the Rectangle object.
Although Fill Effects is a useful tool for enhancing the look and feel of your screens, the operating system takes a longer time to fill an object with fill effects than with plain colors. You should develop criteria for using the feature without decreasing the performance of the system, especially for Windows Embedded target systems.
Using the Color animation, you can modify the color of a static object during runtime. When configuring this animation with Type = By Color, you can set the color that will be applied in the object during runtime, by the color code. The following table provides the code values as well as the RGB values for the most commonly used colors:
Name RGB Code Code Value
R (Red) G (Green) B (Blue)
Black 0 0 0 0
Dark Red 128 0 0 128
Red 255 0 0 255
Pink 255 0 255 16711935
Rose 255 153 204 13408767
Brown 153 51 0 13209
Orange 255 102 0 26367
Light Orange 255 153 0 39423
Gold 255 204 0 52479
Tan 255 204 153 10079487
Olive Green 51 51 0 13107
Dark Yellow 128 128 0 32896
Lime 153 204 0 52377
Yellow 255 255 0 65535
Light Yellow 255 255 153 10092543
Dark Green 0 51 0 13056
Green 0 128 0 32768
Sea Green 51 153 102 6723891
Bright Green 0 255 0 65280
Light Green 204 255 204 13434828
Dark Teal 0 51 102 7877376
Teal 0 128 128 8421376
Aqua 51 204 204 13421619
Turquoise 0 255 255 16776960
Light Turquoise 204 255 255 16777164
Dark Blue 0 0 128 8388608
Blue 0 0 255 16711680
Light Blue 51 102 255 16737843
Sky Blue 0 204 255 16737843
Pale Blue 153 204 255 16764057
Indigo 51 51 153 10040115
Blue-Gray 102 102 153 10053222
Violet 128 0 128 8388736
Plum 153 51 102 6697881
Lavender 204 153 255 16751052
Gray-80% 51 51 51 3355443
Gray-50% 128 128 128 8421504
Gray-40% 150 150 150 9868950
Gray-25% 192 192 192 12632256
White 255 255 255 16777215
Tip: The RGBColor and RGBComponent functions can be used to manipulate color codes during runtime.
Note: The number of colors available when developing the project depends on the color settings configured on the operating system of the development station. The number of colors available when running the project depends on the color settings configured on the operating system of the runtime station.
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