The Read Status and
Write Status fields return error
codes to the tags you specified for those fields. These error codes
can be standard or customized for each driver. For a description of
customized error codes, consult the documentation for the
The following are standard error codes, which are
always negative values:
- 0=OK
- -1=Invalid serial port
- -2=Invalid baud rate
- -3=Invalid number of bits
- -4=Invalid number of stop bits
- -5=Invalid parity
- -6=Invalid irq
- -7=Serial port already in use
- -8=Invalid buffer size
- -9=Memory not enough
- -10=Tx buffer empty
- -11=Tx buffer full
- -12=Rx buffer empty
- -13=Rx buffer full
- -14=Timeout waiting CTS
- -15=Timeout waiting start a message
- -16=Timeout waiting a message to finish
- -17=Timeout between rx char
- -18=Timeout between tx char
- -19=No carrier detected
- -20=No DSR detected
- -21=Could not find a 8250 in address
- -22=Tx line is busy
- -23=User abort
- -24=Function not supported
- -25=Overrun
- -26=Parity
- -27=Overrun and parity
- -28=Framing
- -29=Framing and overrun
- -30=Framing and parity
- -31=Framing, overrun and parity
- -32=Timeout waiting a tx message to finish
in the […]\InduSoft Web
Studio v7.0\Bin
directory also contains descriptions of the standard error
The DriverName.MSG file in the
[…]\InduSoft Web Studio
v7.0\Drv directory
contains descriptions of the customized error codes for each