Status Bar

The Status Bar located along the bottom of the development environment provides information about the active screen (if any) and the state of the application.

Figure 1. Example of Status Bar

The Status Bar fields (from left to right) are described in the following table:
Field Description
Execution Mode The current execution mode of the application.
CAP Indicates whether the keyboard Caps Lock is on (black) or off (grey).
NUM Indicates whether the keyboard Num Lock is on (black) or off (grey).
SCRL Indicates whether the keyboard Scroll Lock is on (black) or off (grey).
Object ID The ID number of a selected screen object.
Cursor Position The location of the cursor on the active screen or worksheet. If it's a screen, then the position of the mouse cursor is given as X,Y coordinates, where X is the number of pixels from the left edge of the screen and Y is the number of pixels from the top edge of the screen. If it's a worksheet, then the position of the text cursor is given as Line and Column.
Object Size The size (in pixels) of a selected screen object, where W is the width and H is the height.
No DRAG Indicates whether dragging is disabled (No DRAG) or enabled (empty) in the active screen.
Tag Count The total number of tags used so far in the project.