3.1.3   Start WebAccess Configuration

1.      Select WebAccess Configuration button image\img00003.gif
on the HOME Page (bwroot.asp), figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2 - WebAccess WELCOME PAGE

2.      Configuration Login Page appears, figure 2.1 (bwconfig.asp)



Figure 2.1 - Configuration Login (bwconfig.asp)

3.      Login with Default username and password.

If this is a new system or you are connecting to the Live Demo, use the "Default Login". Otherwise, use your Login Name and Password.

a.      In the Login Name field type: admin


b.      Leave Password field blank (i.e. no password)


c.      Click the Login Button image\img00006.gif

 "WebAccess Project(s)" list appears, figure 2.3 (bwproj.asp).  If this is a newly installed system, it will be empty.