4.3.1   Change Dialog Box - Analog Tags

"Analog" is any floating-point number (-99999999999 to 999999999999). The maximum size of an Analog Tag is 12 digits including sign and decimal point. You can use both the keyboard or mouse or touch-screen to enter values.  The Keyboard keys are: F1 to Hold Output, ENTER, TAB select Exit.

1.      There are many ways to open the Change Dialog Box, there are at least three methods:

1.      Select the Change button in the Point Info Dialog Box (Figure 4.4).


2.      Double click on any pick-able dynamic number on a user built graphic (Figure 4.3).


3.      Pick a Tag and use the Ctrl-F3 key or the  on the Standard Toolbar (Figure 3.5).

2.      The Analog Change Dialog Box appears (Figure 4.8).


Figure 4.8 - CHANGE dialog Box for ANALOG tag

3.      Click Hold Output to keep the dialog box open while making a change instantly effective (Figure 4.8).

4.      Click the Ramp Arrows to change a value  (Figure 4.8).

a.      OR, Click the number keys in the Change Dialog Box
(Figure 4.8) to enter a value.

b.      The UP (­) and Down (¯) keys on the keyboard can also be used to ramp the value of an Analog tag in the Change Dialog Box.


5.      Click Enter to close the Change Dialog Box (Figure 4.8).

6.      Click Exit to close the Point Info Dialog Box (Figure 4.8).  without making a change. (If Hold Output is depressed).


Hold Output

If the Hold Output button is depressed (i.e. enabled) , then changes are not made until the enter key is pressed.

If the Hold Output button is depressed (i.e. enabled), then Exit will cancel any keystrokes and no change will be made.

If the Hold Output button is raised (i.e. disabled) , then any change to a State button is immediate.

The F1 key on the keyboard will toggle Hold Output.


Dec displays the number read from the Field IO device as Decimal Number (i.e. base 10, 0 to 9).


Hex displays the number read from the Field IO device as a Hexadecimal Number (i.e. base 16, 0 to F where F16 = 1510 ).


Bin displays the number read from the Field IO device as a Binary Number (i.e. base 2, 0 to 1 where 102 = 210 ).


Oct displays the number read from the Field IO device as an Octal Number (i.e. base 8, 0 to 7 where 108 = 810 ).