VIEW in a web browser shows a White screen that is blank. No error message.
i. Web Browser Security too high preventing the ActiveX control (the Plug-in) from running. Medium security is needed to allow safe browsing and the Active X control to run. - Or -
ii. Deploy file (project.dpj) not downloaded from Project Node to Client -or-
iii. Not using Internet Explorer 6.0 or later
iv. Using a New Client to view an older software version of Project Node or SCADA node
Check Internet Explorer Security Settings
1) On the Menu par of Internet Explorer select Tools->Settings
2) In the Settings Dialog Box select the Security Tab
3) Select Internet or Local intranet (Local intranet will allow you to maintain Highest security for all other web sites, but allow WebAccess VIEW (an ActiveX control) to run inside you browser.)
4) Select Default Level
5) Select Medium
Internet Zone - change here affect all websites you visit.
Local Intranet or Trusted Sites - changes here do not affect unknown web sites you visit.
7) If you selected Local intranet or Trust Sites - select Sites
8) Select Advanced
Type the IP Address of the WebAccess Project Node
10) Select Add
11) Select OK
12) Select OK
13) Select OK
Now see if you can run VIEW in your browser.
For WebAccess software to run on Windows Vista, the User Account Control feature on Windows Vista must be disabled. The User Account Control feature on Windows Vista is considered widely to be one of the largest downfalls of Vista by many tech reporters. We think the UAC feature is unnecessary. During WebAccess installation, User Account Control feature will be turned off.
As a result of this, IE 7 Protected Mode is also turned off. The Protected Mode of IE 7 must be off for the WebAccess Client and other important functions to work properly. If you do not agree this, please do not install WebAccess Node or Client on Windows Vista.
One option is to add the Project Node to your list of trusted sites and Disable Protected Mode in IE 7.
To Check Security Settings in Internet Explorer 7.0 Web Browser
1) On the Menu bar of Internet Explorer select Tools->Settings
1a) IE 7 users may have to press the Alt key to show the top menu bar.
2) In the Settings Dialog Box select the Security Tab
3) Select Internet, Trusted Sites or Local intranet (Local intranet will allow you to maintain Highest security for all other web sites, but allow WebAccess VIEW (an ActiveX control) to run inside you browser.) (You will need to add the project node's address to Trusted sites if you are to use it as a trusted site)
4) Select Default Level
5) Select Medium
6) Uncheck to Disable Protected Mode (requires restarting Internet Explorer).
6) Select OK
Check the Deploy file
The deploy file (projectname.dpj) is downloaded by clients. The deploy file describes the IP addresses for your SCADA nodes. It is read by clients using HTTP (hyper text transfer protocol). The deploy file is on the Project Node. Possible Causes of this are:
i. Web Server not running on Project Node
ii. Web Service not installed on Project Node
iii. Improper Security on Project Node
iv. Logon Security prevents clients from reading deploy file
v. Directory or Folder security prevent WebAccess software from creating deploy file
Try accessing the Deploy File from your current location:
In Internet Explorer 6 (or any web browser) enter in the address bar:
http://ip_adddress of your project node/broadweb/projectname.dpj
For example, to test if Broadwin Live demo deploy file is available type:
If you get an error message “ the folder can not be accessed” then the Web Server service is not running on the project node or WebAccess is not installed.
If you get the message "Access Denied" then the security settings are set improperly on the Project Node for either the Web service or the wwwroot folders (subdirectories).
If you get the message "File not Found" then the project was not downloaded or security settings are set improperly on the Project Node for either the Web service or the wwwroot folders (subdirectories).
WINDOWS SECURITY prevents VIEW from running
If you are using Windows 2000 or XP, you must be a Standard User to install and run the WebAccess Client. A Standard User is a member of the Power Users.
Restricted Users (i.e. members of the Users Group) cannot install and cannot run the WebAccess Client. You should contact your system administrator and ask to be changed to a Standard User (i.e. A Power User).
Download the Client Plug-in from the Project you are trying to connect to be sure your software version matches.
There is a
Download Plug-in Here link at the WELCOME Page. For example
at the DEMO it is at:
If you can not
find the Download Link, enter:
Replace with the IP address of your project Node.