Scheduling Printing and Image Generation

If you want to print reports or save reports/images on a regular basis, you can set this up with your operating system's Task Scheduler. Rather than the Task Scheduler loading an application, it will load a shortcut to the URL you specified for printing. Each operating system will vary for the specific procedures. It is recommended that you consult your Microsoft online help for specific information about creating shortcuts and/or using the Task Scheduler.

To schedule printing or image generation

  1. After you have created and tested your URL, create a shortcut to it.

NOTE: If you select the 'Minimized' run option on the shortcut's Properties dialog box, the startup applet may not initialize. If this happens the report will not run until the window is restored.

  1. Test your shortcut to make sure it works.

  2. Access the Scheduled Tasks Windows control panel.

  3. Begin a new task.

  4. When you are asked to specify a program to run, select the shortcut you created instead.

  5. Select the name for your task, the frequency and time to run the task, and your network credentials.

  6. NOTE: On Windows2000 Professional operating systems, you must manually enter the path and name of the shortcut. Make sure the path and shortcut name are in quotation marks. For example, "C:\Documents and Settings\jsmith\Desktop\RTIP.lnk".

  7. From the Scheduled Tasks window, right-click the new task you just created and choose Run to test the task.

NOTE: If a printing error occurs, it is recorded in the client log on the server.

See Also

Natural Printing

URL Parameters for Printing

Passing Parameters to URLs


Setting up URLs for use with Portlets