Bar, Pie, and Line Charts (Chart Tab)    

Properties on the Bar, Pie, and Line Chart Tabs




Outline Color

The outline color of the bars or wedges in the chart.

Select a color from the color palette.

3D Effect

The depth of the 3D-effect.

1 to 50 pixels.

Default is 10 pixels.


The translucence of each bar or wedge in the chart.

0.00 to 1.00, where 0.01 makes the bars or wedges almost invisible and 1.00 makes the bars or wedges opaque.

Default is 0.7.

Show Outline

Indicates whether to show the outline of each bar or wedge.

Selected – shows the outline.

Cleared – hides the outline.

Draw 3D

Indicates whether to display the bars or wedges in the chart as three-dimensional.

Selected – bars or wedges are three-dimensional. (Default)

Cleared – bars or wedges are two-dimensional.

Chart Type

The type of chart to create.

Bar Chart – displays data in vertical or horizontal bars.

Pie Chart – displays data in wedges.

Line Chart – displays trends as lines.

Bar Orientation

NOTE: Bar chart

Specifies how to orient the bar chart.

Horizontal – bars go from left to right.

Vertical – bars go from bottom to top. (Default)

Category Margin

NOTE: Bar chart

Specifies the amount of space between categories.

0 - 50. 0 represents no space between categories.

Series Margin

NOTE: Bar chart

Specifies the amount of space between series.

NOTE: The series margin cannot be set when bars are stacked (there is only one bar for the series).

0 - 30. 0 represents no space between bars.

Zero Based

NOTE: Bar chart

Indicates whether all data uses zero as the baseline.

Selected – bars on the chart begin at zero. (Default)

Cleared – the baseline value is determined by the source data.

Stack Bars

NOTE: Bar chart

Indicates whether to stack the bars contained in a category.

Selected – All series items in a category are shown as one stacked bar.

Cleared – Each series item is shown with its own bar.

Show As Percentage

NOTE: Bar chart

Indicates whether to show bars in percentages. The percentage of a series item is based on the ratio of that item to the sum of all other series items in the category.

Selected – Series items are shown as percentages.

Cleared – Series items are shown with values.

Use Default Margin

NOTE: Line charts only.

Indicates whether the amount of space between the first/last data points and the left/right edge of the plot area will be set to half the interval between data points.

Selected – The margin of the plot area is set to be half the interval between data points.

Cleared – The margin of the plot area is specified in the Line Plot Margin list.

Line Plot Margin

NOTE: Line charts only.

The amount of space (in pixels) between the first/last data points and the left/right edge of the plot area. This list is available only when the Use Default Margin check box is not selected.

0 - 50 pixels

Displayed Text

NOTE: Pie chart

The type of text to display in the chart.

None – displays no text.

Percents – displays data source values as percentages. Negative values are converted to their absolute value prior to calculating that data source's percentage.

Values – displays the incoming data source value.

Percents and Values – displays the incoming data source value and the associated percentage of each value.

Labels – displays the series name associated with each data source.

Labels and Percents – displays the series name and the percentage associated with each data source.

Labels and Values – displays the series name and the incoming data value of each data source.

Text Color

NOTE: Pie chart

The color of the text in the chart.

Select a color from the color palette.

Places (Plot Area)

NOTE: Pie chart

The number of decimal places to display for percentages and values in the plot area.

0 to 7 decimal places.

Default is 1 decimal place.

Show Category Chooser

NOTE: Pie chart

Indicates whether to display the Category Chooser (drop-down list) or to hide it. This option is also available at run-time by right-clicking the chart and choosing Show Category Chooser.

Selected – at run-time the Category Chooser is visible.

Cleared – at run-time the Category Chooser is hidden.


Indicates whether to enable Tool Tips.

Selected – enables Tool Tips.

Cleared – disables Tool Tips.

User Series Color

Indicates whether to display each Tool Tip in the same color as its associated series. The series color is defined on the Data tab.

Selected – displays the Tool Tip background in the same color as its associated series.

Cleared – displays the Tool Tip background in its default color.

Show Category

Indicates whether to include the category name in the Tool Tip.

Selected – displays the category name in the Tool Tip.

Cleared – does not display the category name in the Tool Tip.

Show Series

Indicates whether to include the series name in the Tool Tip.

Selected – displays the series name in the Tool Tip.

Cleared – does not display the series name in the Tool Tip.

Show Value

Indicates whether to include the value in the Tool Tip.

Selected – displays the value in the Tool Tip.

Cleared – does not display the value in the Tool Tip.

Decimal Places

The number of decimal places to display in the Tool Tip.

0 to 7 decimal places.

Default is 2 decimal places.

Show (Summary Line)

NOTE: Bar and Line charts only.

Indicates whether to show a plotted summary line.

Selected – shows a plotted summary line on the chart.

Cleared – does not show a plotted summary line.


NOTE: Bar and Line charts only.

Specifies the type of data/calculation to plot as a summary line.

Average – plots the calculated average of all series items within each category.

Total – plots the calculated sum of all series items within each category.

Maximum – plots the series item with the maximum value within each category.

Minimum – plots the series item with the minimum value within each category.

Line Style

NOTE: Bar and Line charts only.

Specifies the type of line that will be drawn.


Dash Dash

Dot Dot

Dash Dot

Dash Dot Dot


NOTE: Bar and Line charts only.

Specifies the color of the summary line.

Select a color from the color palette.

Line Width

NOTE: Bar and Line charts only.

Specifies the width of the summary line.

1 - 9, where 1 is the narrowest line.

Marker Style

NOTE: Bar and Line charts only.

Specifies a symbol to used for plotted points of the summary line.








Marker Fill Color

NOTE: Bar and Line charts only.

Specifies the color of the marker.

Select a color from the color palette.