Building Criteria

To create a criterion | To create a group criterion

Criteria are made up of one or more expressions with a comparison operator. Usually there are two expressions in a criterion. Criteria can filter or limit the results of a statement.

You can begin creating a criterion in the SQL Statement Builder by right-clicking a column in the Graphic Design area and selecting Add Criterion from the context menu. The Specify Criterion wizard shown below appears and allows you to build a criterion. The options in the wizard are available based on whether they would contribute to correct SQL syntax.

As you add items, the resulting criterion appears in the text area at the bottom of the wizard. You can back up and go forward through the building process. At each step, the applicable option buttons are available to ensure the correct syntax for an SQL statement. When you are satisfied with the criterion you have built, select End Expression, and click Finish. The criterion is added to the SQL statement and appears in the Criteria Logic tab.

The options in the Specify Criterion wizard are the same as in the Specify Expression wizard, with the addition of the comparison option.

See Also
