
Use this tab in the Viewing and Organizing Results area to edit the results of a SELECT statement. The database columns or expressions that you selected in the Graphic Design area are listed as items on the left side of the tabbed screen. For each item, you can set the following:

Alias – the header for this column name in the results table. This gives you a meaningful name for data. For example, a column that starts out as "Quantity * Price" could have an alias of Total Sale. This may be especially useful when the same table field name is used repeatedly in SQL statements to query data. When you use the statements in a category chart, for example, fields that have the same name will appear in the chart with the same name. If you create aliases for these fields, when they are used in an object, the alias is used for the field label.

Return– indicates whether this column is to be returned in the results table (Yes), or to be used for sorting only (No).

Order – specifies the order of column names in the results table.

Sort – determines whether to use this column to sort records by ascending order, descending order or not at all.

Priority – defines the order of significance in sorting the result records, if sort is selected for this column name.

Group – indicates the method of grouping, if Group Records Together is selected on the Statement Options tab. The specific entries in this column vary by database. The standard group types available are as follows:

BY – groups the results using the specified columns.

COUNT – displays the number of records in the group.

SUM – displays the total value of all numeric entries in the group.

MAX – finds the highest value of all database entries.

MIN – finds the lowest value of all database entries.

AVG – totals of database entry values, divided by the number of entries.

Consult your database documentation to learn more about any additional grouping functions.

The following values are available only if you are working with an SQL table:

COUNT_BIG – displays the number of records in the group as a bigint data type.

STDEV – displays the statistical standard deviation of all values in the given expression.

STDEVP – displays the statistical standard deviation for the population for all values in the given expression.

VAR – displays the statistical variance of all values in the given expression.

VARP – displays the statistical variance for the population of all values in the given expression.

See Also

SELECT Statements