To create a natural inner join

You can create natural inner joins between tables automatically or manually.


  1. With at least one table or view in the Table Diagram tab, add another table or view to the tab. The Joining Tables dialog box opens, if natural joins exist between the two tables.

  2. Click Yes to allow the SQL Statement Builder to create the natural inner joins. The Joining Tables dialog box closes, and the new table appears in the Table Diagram tab, with join lines between the two tables.


  1. With at least one table or view in the Table Diagram tab, add another table or view to the tab. The Joining Tables dialog box opens, if natural joins exist between the two tables.

  2. Click No to create the natural inner joins yourself. The Joining Tables dialog box closes, and the new table appears in the Table Diagram tab.

  3. Click the pin to the right of the column name in the first table and drag the mouse to the pin to the left of the column name in the second table. A check mark appears if a join between these two columns is valid.

  4. Release the mouse. A join line appears between the two column names.

  5. Click and drag the mouse between the pins of other columns to create additional inner joins.

See Also

Inner Joins

Outer Joins

Performing Table Joins