UPDATE Statements

You can update the existing data in a database you have access to using Proficy Portal. When you create an UPDATE statement, you can designate specific values to change in the database, specify an expression, or use a parameter.

When you place a table or an existing UPDATE statement in the Graphic Design area, the columns in that statement appear in the New Values tab. By default, a late-binding parameter is defined for each column. If you want a different value, you can assign a null value or a specific value to each column. Values must be of the appropriate data type, listed at the far right of the tab. The Null check box is light blue and is not available if you cannot set this column to Null.

The table's columns also appear in the Criteria Specification tab and allow you to create simple comparison criteria for one or more columns. The criteria you specify are displayed in the Criteria Logic tab as a block diagram.

See Also

Modifying a Database