This example shows how to create a custom button that enables a user to view the values of alarm properties.
Open the Properties - Object dialog box (Alt+Enter).
Select the Events tab.
Configure an AlarmItemClick event as follows.
Event |
Select ActiveX Event.
ActiveX Event |
Select AlarmItemClick.
Action |
Create a new script.
For this example a user will display a message box when an alarm is selected and either of the following occurs.
Right mouse button is clicked.
Note: The Allow runtime popup menu checkbox on the CIMPLICITY AMV Control Properties dialog box Display tab is clear .
Enter is pressed on the
The script is as follows.
Private cimOleObj As AMVOCXLib.IAmvOcx
Sub OnAlarmItemClick(AlarmInfo As AMVOCXLib.AmvOcxAlarmItemInfo, ClickSource As Long)
Dim sourceStr As String
Select Case ClickSource
Case AMV_LeftMouseButton
sourceStr = "AMV_LeftMouseButton"
Case AMV_RightMouseButton
sourceStr = "AMV_RightMouseButton"
Case AMV_EnterKey
sourceStr = "AMV_EnterKey"
End Select
If ClickSource=AMV_EnterKey Or ClickSource=AMV_RightMouseButton Then
Dim DataString As String
DateString = Format(AlarmInfo.GenerationTime, "mmm dd hh:nn:ss AM/PM")
MsgBox "AlarmIdentifier = " & AlarmInfo.AlarmIdentifier & ebCRLF & _
"ResourceIdentifier = " & AlarmInfo.ResourceIdentifier & ebCRLF & _
"ReferenceIdentifier = " & AlarmInfo.ReferenceIdentifier & ebCRLF & _
"AlarmGenTime = " & DateString & ebCRLF & _
"AlarmScreen = " & AlarmInfo.AlarmScreen & ebCRLF & _
"AlarmMessage = " & AlarmInfo.AlarmMessage & ebCRLF & _
"TranslatedAlarmMessage = " & AlarmInfo.TranslatedAlarmMessage & ebCRLF & _
"Click Source = " & sourceStr
End If
End Sub
.Test the Properties script.
Result: When a user selects an alarm and either right-clicks or presses Enter on the keyboard, a Message box displays. Values for the properties specified in the script are listed.
A |
AMV_RightMouseButton is the Click Source when the alarm is right-clicked. |
B |
AMV_EnterKey is the Click Source when the Enter key is pressed. |
OnAlarmItemClick |