AMV Control fonts. |
AMV Control colors. |
AMV Control Fonts
Select the Fonts tab in the CIMPLICITY AMV Control Properties dialog box.
Fonts can be configured for the following AMV Control features.
Select a feature.
The font dialog box opens.
Make the customary font selections.
.The new specifications display for that selected feature.
Repeat the procedure if you want to configure the font for other features.
Result: The selected fonts and sizes display in the AMV Control.
AMV Control Colors
You can select colors for each of the AMV Control properties.
Selections are as follows.
Property name |
Color for selected property |
Property name |
Select a property in the Property Name drop-down list.
Selections are as follows.
Listed Property |
Property |
AlarmBGColor |
Alarm list background |
ButtonBGColor |
Button background |
CountAlarmColor |
Alarm count text |
CountBGColor |
Count background |
CountNormalColor |
Normal count text |
StatusBGColor |
Status background |
StatusTextColor |
Status text. |
Color for selected property |
Do either of the following to select a color for the selected property.
Select a system color
Select a color in the System Color drop down list.
Available selections are as follows.
.Select a color in the palette
Click a color in the palette.
.Result: The selected properties will display during runtime in the selected colors.
Note: The Alarm font colors are selected in the Alarm class configuration.
AMV Control configuration. |