1. Create a new Logging Table

Note: The logging tables that are available and that can be created depend on the options you selected in the Project Properties dialog box.

You can create as many new CIMPLICITY data, group or applications tables as you need.

  1. Do one of the following:


Click File>New Table on the Database Logger Configuration window menu bar.


Click the New Table button on the Database Logger Configuration window toolbar.


Press Ctrl+N on the keyboard.


  1. Right-click any icon in the Database Logger Configuration window's list.

  2. Select New… on the Popup menu.

The New Table dialog box opens when you use any method.

  1. Enter and select the following.

Note: Table types are enabled based on the Database Logger options selected in the Project Properties dialog box.



Table identifier field

Name for the table

The name:

Can contain

Alphanumeric characters (A through Z, 0 through 9) and

Underscores ( _ ).

Should be no longer than 16 characters.

If you enter more than 16 characters, the name will automatically be truncated to the first 16 characters when you click OK.

Cannot be the name of a currently existing table.

Should not use any words that are reserved for the database management system being used.


If you are using a SQL Server, do not use BULK, which is a reserved word for that DBMS.

Radio buttons

Check the type of table to create in the Table type box.

  1. Click OK.

Result: A Table Properties dialog box opens for you to configure the new table.

image\Important.gif Important: You can only create new group, data and application log tables, when the appropriate Database Logger options are enabled in the Project Properties dialog box.

When the Database Logger: A&E & App option is enabled, only one alarm table (ALARM_LOG), event table (EVENT_LOG) and Event Manager (EM_LOG) table exist in the Data Logger. You cannot delete these tables, and you cannot create additional Alarm, Event or Event Manager tables. When the option is not enabled, these tables are not available.

More information


Database Logger File Management functions.