The Status Log files are binary files, and cannot be viewed directly.
You can, however, copy the contents of a Status Log file to a text file that you can view with Notepad.
Note: If you applied a
Filter to the Status Log display, only the displayed messages
are saved to the text file.
Click Log on the status log viewer menu bar.
Select Save As Text.
The Save As dialog box opens.
Open the folder to save the file in.
Enter a name in the File name field.
.Result: The first line of the text file shows the computer name and the full path name for the Status Log file.
Note: You can configure your CIMPLICITY project
to create and automatically update an ASCII text version of the
unfiltered Project Status Log. Edit log_names.cfg in the DATA folder
under your current folder. Add the following line:
You can add the line anywhere in the file, e.g. under Standard Logical Names, but make sure there is no asterisk at the start of the line. The next time you start your project, CIMPLICITY creates a text file version of this status log, COR_STATUS.LOG, in you project's Log folder. CIMPLICITY keeps this file updated with the latest project status information. You can also log system status to a text file of the same name in the ...\Program Files\GE Fanuc\Proficy CIMPLICITY\log folder. Just add the same line, above, to the file LOG_NAMES.CFG in the ...\Program Files\GE Fanuc\Proficy CIMPLICITY\data folder.
Step 3. Work in the status log viewer. |