Step 2.4.2. Define Source Alarms on the Client Computer

  1. Select the Alarm Definition tab in the Alarm Definition dialog box.

  2. Option descriptions are:




Used to describe the alarm in the client project, e.g. in the Workbench right pane.

Alarm class

Colors for states in the class that are recognized by the OPC A & E configuration display in the Alarm Viewer.

Note: The class name does not have to be the same as the class used on the OPC A & E server.

Alarm type

$CIMBASIC is the required entry.

Help file

(Optional) Name of a text file that users can display when they click the Help button in the Alarm Viewer. You can enter a filename of up to 67 characters.


A number the identifies the importance of the alarm; the higher the number, the more severe the state.

This enables you to prioritize alarms.

Alarm message

%s (lower case) is the required entry.

Alarm Logging

Alarms are recorded in the client project's Alarm log, based on the checked conditions.

  1. Select the Alarm Routing tab.

  2. Make sure the alarms are routed to the role for the A & E OPC server user.

  1. (Optional) configure alarm options.

  2. Click OK to close the Alarm Definition dialog box.

Result: The qualified alarm displays  the source alarm data that is recognized by the OPC Alarm and Event configuration.


Alarm ID's from Server projects display the same type of qualified name whether or not they have been defined in the Client project.


The class assigned to the alarm ID in the client project  is one of the following.


Alarm type



Auto qualified Server alarms



Qualified Server alarms

Assigned in the alarm's Alarm Definition dialog box in the client project.


Client alarms

Assigned in the alarm's Alarm Definition dialog box or Point Properties dialog box in the Client project.


The sub-condition that displays in the Sub-condition column reflects the alarm limits assigned in the alarm's source project.

The color assigned to the alarm ID is based on the sub-condition for the assigned class and the alarm state.


Alarm type

Sub-condition colors used


Auto qualified Server alarms

HiHi Alarm/HiHi acknowledge/Normal


Qualified Server alarms

HiHi Alarm/HiHi acknowledge/Normal


Client alarms

Based on alarm limits and state defined in the Client project.

More information

Step 2.4. Configure source alarms on the client computer.