Edit expression operations are available in the Edit Expression dialog box.
Arithmetic operations. |
Bitwise operations. |
Alarm functions. |
Conversion operation. |
Logical operations. |
Relational operations. |
Scientific operations. |
Arithmetic Operations
Addition |
Subtraction |
Multiplication |
Division |
The result of dividing two integers in an expression will be an integer. If you want a floating point result, multiply the numerator by 1.0 before dividing. For example, POINTA is set to 6 and POINTB is set to 4. The result of the expression POINTA/POINTB is 1, while the result of the expression (POINTA*1.0)/POINTB is 1.5. |
Value of X raised to the power of Y. |
Takes the square root of an expression. |
Format |
SQR expr |
Takes the absolute value of an expression. |
Format |
ABS (expr) Example ABS (-2.6) returns 2.6 |
Returns the minimum value of two expressions. |
Format |
(expr1) MIN (expr2) Example 3 MIN 4 returns 3 |
Returns the maximum value of two expressions. |
Format |
(expr1) MAX (expr2) Example 3 MAX 4 returns 4 |
Returns the modulus value of an expression. |
Format |
(expr1) MOD (expr2) Example 9 MOD 8 returns a value of 1 |
Rounds a floating-point expression to the nearest integer. |
Format |
RND (expr) Example RND (2.6) returns a value of 3 and RND (-2.6) returns a value of -3 |
Truncates a floating-point expression to its integer value. |
Format |
TRUNC (expr) Example TRUNC (2.6) returns a value of 2, and TRUNC (-2.6) returns a value of -2 |
Rounds a floating-point expression to the nearest integer that is smaller than the expression. |
Format |
FLR (expr) Example FLR (2.6) returns a value of 2, and FLR (-2.6) returns a value of -3 |
Rounds a floating-point expression to the nearest integer that is larger than the expression. |
Format |
CEIL (expr) Example CEIL (2.3) returns a value of 3 and CEIL (-2.3) returns a value of -2. |
Bitwise Operations
You can use Boolean, integer or floating point number for bitwise operations. If a number/expression is in floating point, it is rounded off to the nearest integer for these operations.
Bitwise operations supported by the Expression Editor are:
Performs |
bitwise AND of two expressions. |
Format |
<expr1> AND <expr2> |
Performs |
bitwise OR of two expressions |
Format |
<expr1> OR <expr2> |
Performs |
bitwise NOT of an expression |
Format |
NOT <expr> |
Performs |
bitwise XOR of two expressions. |
Format |
<expr1> XOR <expr2> |
Performs |
binary left shift on an expression. |
Format |
(expr1) SHL (expr2) Example 2 SHL 1 returns a value of 4. Note: When SHL goes out of range the:
Performs |
a binary right shift on an expression. |
Format |
(expr1) SHR (expr2) Example 2 SHR 1 returns a value of 1 Note: When SHR goes out of range the:
Alarm functions
Alarm functions supported by the Expression Editor are:
Returns |
TRUE if the point is in any Alarm or Warning state. |
Format |
AL(<point id>) |
Returns |
TRUE if the point is in a Warning High or Warning Low state. |
Format |
A1(<point id>) |
A2 or ALARM |
Returns |
TRUE if the point is in an Alarm High or Alarm Low state. |
Format |
A2(<point id>) |
Returns |
TRUE if the point is in a Warning High state. |
Format |
AH1(<point id>) |
Returns |
TRUE if the point is in an Alarm High state. |
Format |
AH2(<point id>) |
Returns |
TRUE if the point is in a Warning Low state. |
Format |
AL1(<point id>) |
Returns |
TRUE if the point is in an Alarm Low state. |
Format |
AL2(<point id>) |
Returns |
TRUE if the point is in alarm and the alarm has not been acknowledged. Note: The ANA behavior was changed in CIMPLICITY V.6.1. Prior to V.6.1 it behaved as NACK. The global parameter PTEXP_ANA_EQ_NACK_AND_AL is available to revert ANA behavior to pre-version 6.. |
Format |
ANA(<point id>) Important: ANA is not supported for Enterprise points. |
Returns |
TRUE if the alarm has not been acknowledged, whether or not the point is in an alarm state. |
Format |
NACK (<point id>) |
Conversion operation
Convert a variable that consists of numbers in text string format to a numeric format that can be included in calculations. |
Logical operators
You can use Boolean, integer or floating point numbers for logical operations. If an expression has a non-zero value, it is TRUE; if the value is zero, it is FALSE.
Performs |
Logical AND of two expressions. |
Format |
<expr1> AND <expr2> |
Performs |
Logical if A is TRUE, then B, else C. |
Format |
If (expr1) THEN (expr2) ELSE (expr3) Or (expr1) ? (expr2) : (expr3) |
Performs |
Logical OR of two expressions. |
Format |
<expr1> OR <expr2> |
Performs |
Logical NOT of an expression. |
Format |
NOT <expr> |
Performs |
Logical XOR of two expressions. |
Format |
<expr1> XOR <expr2> IF (expr1) THEN (expr2) ELSE (expr3) or (expr1) ? (expr2) : (expr3) Performs a logical If A is TRUE, then B, else C. |
Relational operations
Less Than or Below |
Format |
(expr1) LT (expr2 |
Greater Than or Above. |
Format |
(expr1) GT (expr2) |
Equal To |
Format |
(expr1) EQ (expr2) |
Less Than or Equal To |
Format |
(expr1) LE (expr2) |
Greater Than or Equal To |
Format |
(expr1) GE (expr2) |
Not Equal To |
Format |
(expr1) NE (expr2) |
Scientific operations
Returns |
sine (angle in radians) of an expression. |
Format |
SIN (expr |
Returns |
cosine (angle in radians) value of an expression. |
Format |
COS (expr) |
Returns |
tangent (angle in radians) of an expression. |
Format |
TAN (expr) |
Returns |
Arc sine (angle in radians) value of an expression. |
Format |
ASIN (expr) |
Returns |
Arc cosine (angle in radians) value of an expression. |
Format |
ACOS (expr) |
Returns |
arc tangent (angle in radians) value of an expression. |
Format |
ATAN (expr) |
Raise a value to a power. |
Format |
<value> ^ (<power>) |
Returns |
exponential (ex) value of an expression where x is the expression. |
Format |
EXP (expr) |
Returns |
natural logarithm (base e) of an expression. |
Format |
LOG (expr) |
Returns |
base 10 logarithm of an expression. |
Format |
LOG10 (expr) |
Option 3.2.3. Custom conversion. |
3. Virtual point expressions. |