Functions to Address Specific Failures

CIMPLICITY offers four functions to address these issues. They are:

For software failure:

  1. Point management transfer, including data collection

  2. Entire project fail over

For device failure:

  1. Point management transfer

  2. Entire project fail over

The functions reside in the Redundancy.dll and can be called by any programming language, like the Basic Control Engine, that is capable of calling a DLL entry point.

The functions are:

COR_BOOLEAN failover_project(COR_STATUS *retstat)

Causes the local project to shutdown.

COR_BOOLEAN failover_data_collection(COR_STATUS *retstat)

Causes the current slave computer to become the current master computer.

COR_BOOLEAN redundant_is_redundant()

Tells if this is a redundant project.

int redundant_local_index()

Returns the index of the global point element that has the status of the local device.


If on the





int redundant_remote_index()

Returns the index of the global point element that has the status of the remote device


If on the





You, the system manager, will configure a specific global point and provide the logic to determine when a changeover will occur. Basically the logic can be whatever you want, as long as it is running as part of the project.

 Note: Aids that are in your CIMPLICITY directory, if you installed the server redundancy option include:

Mon_failure.c, a sample program to review as a working example. It is located at:

…\Program Files\GE Fanuc\Proficy CIMPLICITY\api\redundant_api\mon_failure.c

Redundancy.h, a "C" header file that contains the prototypes for the function. It is located at:

…\Program Files\GE Fanuc\Proficy CIMPLICITY\include\inc_path\redundancy.h

More information

Manual redundancy overview.