Manual Redundancy Overview

Although automatic server redundancy is an essential feature of CIMPLICITY, it requires total failure of the primary server for the secondary server to take over. There are specific failures when you need the secondary server to take over a function or the entire project, even when the primary server has not failed. Therefore server redundancy provides an application interface to allow you to trigger a failover when a specific criteria is reached.

There may be a failure involving the primary server with the:

Software, when for some reason, the:

Data collection stops

Project goes down, even though the server continues to function

Device communication, when the:

Device connection to Point Management (PTM) is severed

All devices, Alarm Manger (AM), User Registration (UR) and Point Management (PTM) applications lose contact with the processes

Principles of manual server redundancy operation include:

Functions to address specific failures.

Tools for device failure.

Point requirements for manual Server redundancy.

Manual point management transfer (including data collection).

Manual project transfer forced.

More information

Server redundancy overview.