IP Status API

Use the Computer Cabling Redundancy IP Status API to monitor the state of connections to IP addresses.

The following BASIC script generates or clears an alarm depending upon the state of the connection to an IP address.

Declare Function InitSocketChange CDecl Lib "redwinsock.dll" _

  () As Long

Declare Function WaitSocketChange CDecl Lib "redwinsock.dll" _

 (ByVal data As Long, ByVal timeout As Long) As Long

Declare Function CloseSocketChange CDecl Lib "redwinsock.dll" _

 (ByVal data As Long) As Boolean

Declare Function GetNextSocketChange CDecl Lib "redwinsock.dll" _

 (ByVal data As Long, ByVal node As String, ByRef ipAddress As Long, _

  ByRef state As Long) As Long

Declare Function CvtIPAddress(x As Long) As String

Sub Main()

  Dim data As Long

  im node As String

  Dim ipAddress As Long

  Dim state As Long

  Dim n256 As Long

  n256 = 256

  data = InitSocketChange()

  If data <> 0 Then

    While 1

       = WaitSocketChange(data, 5000)

      If i = 1 Then

        ode = Space(256)

        While GetNextSocketChange(data, node, ipAddress, state)

          ipStr$ = CvtIPAddress(ipAddress)

          message$ = "IP address " & ipStr$

          refId$ = ipAddress

          If state = 2 Then

            AlarmUpdate "", "IPALARM", "$SYSTEM", AM_RESET_M, _

                       message$, "", refId$


            AlarmGenerate "", "IPALARM", "$SYSTEM", message$, _

                       "", refId$, True

          End If

          node = Space(256)


      End If


    i = CloseSocketChange(data)

  End If

End Sub

Function CvtIPAddress(x As Long) As String

  mod1 = ipAddress Mod n256

  If mod1 < 0 Then mod1 = 256 + mod1

  mod2 = ipAddress / n256 Mod n256

  f mod2 < 0 Then mod2 = 256 + mod2

  mod3 = ipAddress / (n256 * n256) Mod n256

  If mod3 < 0 Then mod3 = 256 + mod3

  mod4 = ipaddress / (n256 * n256 * n256) Mod n256

  If mod4 < 0 Then mod4 = 256 + mod4

  CvtIPAddress = mod1 & "." & mod2 & "." & mod3 & "." & mod4

End Function

More information

Computer cabling redundancy monitoring.