If you are trying to connect to the Server by IP address and the Server has multiple NIC (network) cards, make sure that you are trying to access an IP address that is being used
Select the IP addresses to be
on the Windows task bar.Select
(All) Programs>Proficy HMI SCADA -
Options .
The CIMPLICITY Options dialog box opens.
If the computer has more than one NIC, a Network tab will display.
Select the Network tab.
Select/check the IP addresses that should be/are available.
Verify that the card for the
Viewer’s network is the top card in the TCP/IP stack configuration.
This will allow better communications over the Viewer-Server
Use Network Connections features in the Windows Control Panel.
Consult Microsoft documentation for details.
Note: If both NIC cards are in what would
normally be considered a class A (001.y.z.w to 126.y.z.w) or Class
B network (128.y.z.w to 191.y.z.w) it is possible that the network
class will supersede the subnet mask. In this case, It may be
advisable to try a 10.y.z.w network on the internal, non-exposed,
NIC card.
4. Troubleshooting checklist. |