Transitions refer to movement of an item from a source to destination region.
Transition indicators: guidelines |
Transition types |
Transition Indicators: Guidelines
A region transition indicator reports the movement of an item between two tracking regions.
Each transition indicator defines
unique routes that exist between two regions.
A transition indicator is therefore the:
Exit transition indicator
for the source tracking region and
Entry transition indicator
for the destination tracking region.
The same transition indicator may
specify a valid route between two regions for more than one Item
When a region entry transition
Indicator is received by PRT, PRT updates its tracking data
regardless of what tripped the indicator.
PRT cannot distinguish between valid item transition indications it receives and accidental item transition indications it receives (e.g. person walks in front of limit switch, PRT receives the transition indication and updates the system to reflect Item movement).
Production start must always occur
in a tracking region with an entry transition indicator that is not
the exit transition indicator for any other tracking region.
Transition types
Limit switch. |
Type detector. |
Item identifier. |
Reference identifier. |
Associate reference ID to Item. |
Associate Item Type to item. |
Positive edge trigger. |
Transition Type 8. negative edge trigger. |
Transition types: guidelines. |
Production Tracking System definitions and guidelines. |