Balance Load Pseudo Code

For each decision

  If decision is not eliminated

    Get value of source region's quantity point from region maintenance table

    If (number of items in source region is greater than 0)

      Get the value of destination region quantity point from region maintenance

      If the number of items in destination region is greater than 0

         Calculate maximum source cost as follows

           Set nMaxSrcCost to the number of items in source region of decision #0

           For each decision from 1 to last

             If (Number of items in current region > nMaxSrcCost)

               Set nMaxSrcCost to number of items in region

             End If

           Next decision

         Set nWeight to current decision weight

         Calculate the load as follows:

           Load = (nMaxSrcCost - # of items in source region)

                 + Current Decision weight

                 + number of items in destination region

       End if // number of items in destination region > 0

    End if // number of items in source region > 0

    If (Load is >= specified Threshold Value)

        Eliminate the decision

    End if

  End if

Next For

More information

Balance load.