Check Item Hold Status Pseudo Code

If single destination region

  For each decision

    Get items at specified location/item class from decision source region

    If there are items at the region and location

      For each item at location

        If current item is on internal or external hold

           Eliminate the decision

           Next decision

        End if

     Next for

    End if

  Next decision


  // multiple destination regions

  For each decision

    Get items from specified location/item class from decision source region

    If there are items at the region and location

      For each item at location

        If current item is on internal or external hold

           Set source hold flag

        End if


      Get the region status point from the region's "Region Maintenance record"

    If the point value indicates the region is on hold

      Set the region hold flag

    End if

    If (the source hold flag is NOT set and the region hold flag is set) or

      (the source hold flag is set and region hold flag is not set)

      Eliminate the decision

    End If

Next decision

If there were no items found in any of the source regions

  Eliminate all decisions

End if

 Note: In single or multiple destination mode, if no items matching the specified item class were found in the specified location of any decision source regions, then all decisions are eliminated.

More information

Check Item Hold Status.