Eliminate Decision Based on Rule (Ext. Attr.) eliminates decisions based on standard or extended attribute Grouping and Spacing Rules. This block can be configured to eliminate by either type of rule and treats both rules with the same priority.
The Spacing rule uses the same logic as the function block, Eliminate Decision Based On Ext. Attribute Spacing. The spacing rule breaks up items with matching extended attributes. For example, you do not want two items with a color attribute of "BLUE" to be routed one after another. The Spacing rule would eliminate the decision that would send the second Blue item.
The Grouping rule breaks up blocks of items with a specified extended attribute. For example you do not want to send the color combination "Blue,Red,Blue," more than twice. The Grouping rule would tend to eliminate decisions that would result in this block.
The Percentage rule, eliminates a decision if the percentage of extended attributes released with a particular name/value combination falls outside of a specified range.
This function block has the following parameters:
Parameter |
Description |
Always Evaluate |
Hard, Soft or Breakable. Controls what happens when the extension eliminates all items in the range source. |
Hard |
All items will remain eliminated. Enter a wait state after the logic script has completed. |
Soft |
Roll back any eliminations made by this extension. |
Breakable |
Roll back any eliminations made by this extension that have a danger point value of TRUE (non zero). Routing modules will first use the danger defined for each individual decision. However, one of the following may occur instead. |
If: |
Then: |
The site-wide danger point will be used. |
The site-wide danger point will be used. |
The decision remains eliminated. |
Item Class Array |
Name of the array point that stores the name of the item class to be checked for the corresponding extended attribute. Blank will specify all items at the region. |
Rule Type Array |
Type of elimination to be performed. |
G |
Grouping |
Eliminate if the count exceeds or equals the Rule. |
S |
Spacing |
Eliminate if the count is less then the rule. |
P |
Percentage |
Attribute Name Array |
Name of the array point that stores the names of the standard and/or extended attributes to be compared. Note: The values of corresponding element in the Attribute Value array is compared with the value for that attribute (if found) of the specified item, i.e. the value of the corresponding element in the Attribute Value Array point is compared to the extended attribute value of the head item of the source region(s). |
Attribute Value Array |
Name of array points that lists the Attribute value(s). Each element can contain one or multiple values with a comma separator. Do not include quotes. Example Element 0 = 1 ton,3/4 ton Element 1 = K |
Rule Array |
(Grouping and Spacing Rules) Name of the array that stores the number of jobs for each rule. |
Count Array |
(Grouping and Spacing Rules) Name of the array that stores the number of jobs released. |
Upper Release % Target |
(Percentage Rule Only) The upper percentage limit, of an acceptable range, for items that should be released with the corresponding attribute value. |
Lower Release % Target |
(Percentage Rule Only) The lower percentage limit, of an acceptable range, for items that should be released with the corresponding attribute value. |
Attribute Release Count Array |
(Percentage Rule Only) Name of the array that stores the actual number of items released with the corresponding attribute value. |
Total Released Count |
(Percentage Rule) Integer (analog) point. Counter point stores and continues to increment the total number of items released. |
Spacing Breakability |
Name of the array point. If breakable (element = 1) and all sources are eliminated, roll back the decisions eliminated during the comparison by one set of related elements. |
Note: All the function blocks that deal with
extended attributes can be provided INTERNALHOLD text to read the value of an internal
Values are:
0 |
Internal Hold is not set. |
1 |
Internal Hold is set. |
However, you cannot use any of the extended attribute function blocks to modify system attributes.
Eliminate Decision Based On rule example. |
Eliminate Decision based On rule pseudo code. |
Routing function blocks list. |