(Available with Order Execution Mgt.)
Select Lowest Weight eliminates all items within the source except for the item with the lowest weight.
Important: In the
case of a tie, i.e. if more than one item has the lowest weight,
only one item is selected.
Tip: If you have criteria
to determine which item should be selected in case of a tie,
specify that criteria in an RSA function block inserted before the
Select Lowest
Weight block.
This function block has no parameters:
Select Source by Age. |
Eliminate by Weight. |
Set Block Weights. |
Select Decision by Attribute. |
Select Decision by Attribute Point. |
Select Decision by Attribute Value. |
Select Decision by Point Value. |
Select Decision by Solve. |
Select Decision with Highest Order & Weight. |
GetTADBItemAttribute. |
TADBSetAttribute. |
RSA function blocks list |