(Available with Order Execution Mgt.)
Substitute Order exchanges the current product item's sales order with the sales order of a product item at a particular location in a specified region.
Important: For substitution to work, the
selected item must have an extended attribute named ASSOCIATE that
identifies the Item Type of its associated item.
A PRT model is set up to track an assembly that is represented as the Item Type BODY.
The BODY Item Type has an extended
attribute ASSOCIATE.
The value of ASSOCIATE is the
value of another Item Type, ORDER.
ORDER may be defined in the
same, or another model.
ASSOCIATE attribute attribute values are as follows.
ASSOCIATE attribute of the: |
Is assigned the Value of the Order ID of: |
Currently selected body item |
A body's ASSOCIATE attribute in the specified region location. |
Body item in the specified region location |
The currently selected body. |
All other attributes and status bits are similarly swapped between the currently selected body and the body at the specified region location.
While the example above shows substitution of orders for different bodies, it is also possible to substitute bodies for different orders. You can only substitute the Item Type that is associated with the Item Type you have currently selected.
Both sales orders and products are
You can use this function block
Product items exist at some
region defined in the current project's RCO database and
Order items exist in either the
current project or another running project to which you have
You can search for the specified
region across multiple projects. Enter a comma-delimited list of
project names where the region may be found into the Project ID field and recompile.
Where all item eliminations (by
any and all methods) have been completed.
Insert another function block such as
Select Lowest Weight |
Select Source By Age |
before Substitute Attributes Order to insure that the most appropriate item(s) are selected.
If you have criteria to determine which item should be selected in case of a tie, specify that criteria in an RSA function block inserted before the Select block.
Insert Substitute Order.
This function block has the following parameters:
Parameter |
Description |
Region ID |
ID of Region where the item is located. |
Region Location |
Location of the item in the Region. Note: The reserved names PRT_FIRST and PRT_LAST can be entered here to specify the first or last location, respectively, within the region. |
Item Class |
Class of the item at this region and location whose associated item (generally of a different class) will be exchanged |
Project ID |
(Optional) Names of one or more projects in which the selected region may be found. Note: Leave this field blank to limit the search for regions to the local project only. |
Project Point ID |
(Optional) Text point. Stores a list of project(s). Supercedes Project ID. |
Substitute Attributes and Status. |
Item Associations: ASSOCIATE extended attribute. |
About Order Substitution. |
RSA function blocks list. |