Assignments are made:
Each product in Production
Tracking is assigned a tracking item that represents its location and associated attributes
(for example, Color, Part number, Entry time, etc.) within the PRT
Physical areas of the factory are
assigned Regions in the PRT database.
A product's physical location corresponds to its tracking item's location, defined within PRT by its PRT Region and PRT Region Location.
Associations are made:
Products and areas are often associated in some physical or logical fashion on the factory floor, a concept represented within PRT by a hierarchical grouping scheme.
One or more items can be associated with one another
to represent the progress of a group of products through the
Each location can contain one or more items.
Each Region can contain one or more of these
locations, representing, for example, bins, conveyors and
workstations on the factory floor that are in physical or logical
proximity to one another.
A PRT Group can contain one or more Regions to
represent higher level associations.
PRT Services, at the highest level of the hierarchy
with a unique object name, can have multiple copies of the PRT
process running simultaneously.
Each Service can support an independent list of one or more Groups. This grouping scheme allows the user to search for items, or groups of items, based on several criteria.