DGR Limitations

There are some limitations when using the DGR.

Some of these limitations simply require you to be careful in the order and correctness of your configuration.

  1. Only projects to which you are currently connected can switch to DGR mode. Logging into a project afterward will not put that project connection in DGR mode.

This is because only existing connections are switched to the GefVCRService point data source.

If a new project connection needs to be made, for example if you open another CimView screen that references points from a project to which you have not previously been connected, then the new connection will be made to the live Point Manager of that project.

To avoid this behavior, use the CIMPLICITY Login Panel application to see if you have a live connection to each project for which you want to replay data.

  1. When you switch project connections to DGR mode all user connections on the local node switch to DGR mode.

There is no way to control what connections or client applications should switch and which should not.

  1. Because the GefDGRService runs as a Windows service on the local node, you should not run DGR on a Windows Terminal Server node or through WebView when connected as a client.

Multiple Terminal Server or WebView client sessions attempting to use DGR simultaneously would interfere with each other.

  1. Dynamic Graphical Replay provides limited support for point attributes (e.g. Timestamp, resource, etc.).

  1. DGR does not support a subset of system points, for example $Local.xxx.

These points are specific to their local environment and may display different values from the server environment for the same points. For example,. $Local.computer referenced on a viewer named COMPA returns COMPA. While $Local.computer referenced on a corresponding server named COMPB returns COMPB. While database logger will allow you to log these points, the DGR replay would not correctly display the expected values in all situations.

  1. There is limited support for host redundant configurations. 

DGR will operate in a host redundant project only when the primary server is active and is the master node. 

DGR will not operate correctly if a failover to the slave node has occurred or if failover occurs while operating DGR.

  1. Active-X controls, including CIMPLICITY Active-X controls (e.g. Alarm Viewer, Trend, SPC) will not replay in DGR mode.  Putting a  screen with an Alarm Viewer control may cause the Alarm Viewer to malfunction.

  2. All point ID's in a screen must be fully qualified either directly in the expressions used or by using the /project command line option in CimView. 

Unqualified points may cause DGR to malfunction.

  1. DGR functionality is limited to the CimView client application. 

Running other point client applications such as Point Control Panel and Quick Trends while in DGR mode may yield false data.

  1. DGR cannot replay array points and may malfunction as a result of attempting to do so.

  1. The $RAW_VALUE attribute cannot be directly used successfully with DGR.  

If an application needs this value to be replayed with DGR, an additional derived equation point, <der_point_id>, must be defined and logged.  

The point:

Equation should be in the following form


Must be referenced in the CimView screens (as <der_point_id>)

Do not use <base_point_id>.$RAW_VALUE directly in CimView screens.

More information

About Dynamic Graphical Replay.