Accumulators have the following properties:
The name of the accumulator. Enter a value of 79 characters or
Cluster Name
The name of the cluster that this accumulator runs on. If the Cluster Name is not set, then this accumulator will run on each defined cluster.
The Cicode expression (or variable tag) to trigger
the accumulator. If the result of the expression (in this field) is
TRUE, accumulation starts. If the result of the expression (in this
field) becomes FALSE, accumulation stops. Enter a value of 254
characters or less.
The frequency with which the trigger is checked is controlled by the [Accumulator]WatchTime parameter.
Run Time
The variable (tag) that contains the run time (in seconds). Enter a value of 254 characters or less. On startup, this value is read. Then the local copy of this variable is incremented (while Trigger is TRUE) and the variable is written back to the I/O Device at a frequency determined by the [Accumulator]UpdateTime parameter.
No. of Starts
The variable (tag) that contains the number of starts (that is, the number of times the trigger changes from FALSE to TRUE). Enter a value of 254 characters or less. On startup, this value is read. Then the local copy of this variable is incremented and the variable is written back to the I/O Device at a frequency determined by the [Accumulator]UpdateTime parameter.
Totalizer Inc
Any Cicode expression (or variable tag) to add to (increment) the Totalizer variable while the Trigger condition is TRUE. Enter a value of 254 characters or less.
The variable (tag) that contains the totalized value. Enter a value of 254 characters or less.
On startup, this value is read. Each time the trigger is checked and while the trigger is TRUE, the value in the Totalizer Inc field is added to the local copy of this Totalizer variable. The new Totalizer variable is written back to the I/O Device at a frequency determined by the [Accumulator]UpdateTime parameter.
For example, if you configure an accumulator for a motor, and Totalizer Inc is the current (amperage) used by the motor, then Run Time will contain the time (in seconds) that the motor has run, No. of Starts will contain the number of times the motor was started, and Totalizer will contain the total current used by the motor. The average current used by the motor is Totalizer/Run Time.
Any useful comment. Enter a value of 48 characters or less.
Extended forms fields
The following fields are implemented with extended forms (press F2).
The privilege needed by an operator to perform operations on the accumulator (by using accumulator functions). Enter a value of 16 characters or less.
The area to which the accumulator belongs. Only users
with access to this area (and any required privileges) will be able
to perform operations on the accumulator. For example, if you enter
Area 1 here, operators need to have access to Area 1 (plus any
required privileges) to perform operations on the accumulator.
Enter a value of 16 characters or less.
Cicode function.