Special Options (in the Ports form) are space
separated and start with the dash character (-) immediately
followed by the option characters. Only a small percentage of users
will need to use the following options:
cATS0=1: Send the string
'ATS0=1<CR>' on startup to allow the modem to detect the baud
rate the port is running at. Abandon transmit if DCD is low. Wait
for incoming call to raise DCD.
d: Data will be
transmitted only when DSR is high
di: Received data is
ignored when DSR is low.
dMS: When transmitting a
message the driver will wait up to 2000 ms for DSR to go high, then
wait another MS milliseconds before transmitting.
-e: Provides access to the
output signal lines. The format is "~EIAWXYZ" where
WXYZ represents one of the following options:
S Simulate XOFF received
S Simulate XON received
RT Set RTS high
RT Set RTS low
D Set DTR high
D Set DTR low
B Set the device break line
B Clear the device break line
Example: "~EIADTR1" sets DTR
-h: Data will be
transmitted only when CTS is high.
-hMS: When transmitting a
message the driver will wait up to 2000 ms for CTS to go high, then
wait another MS milliseconds before transmitting.
-i: The string sent
whenever the port is initialized. The tilde (~) and '\M' characters
represent special instructions:
~: Delay for 500
\M: Send carriage return
~Fred: Wait 500
milliseconds and then send 'Fred'
Fred\MMary: Send
'Fred', a carriage return, and then 'Mary'
Note: This option is not available
for dialable devices (i.e. when the port number is -1).
-nt: With some serial
interfaces, line interruptions can cause the COMx read thread to
shutdown. If this happens, the driver does not recover after the
interruption. However, with the -nt (no terminate) option set, the
thread is not shutdown, allowing the system to recover when the
interruption is rectified.
-nts: If errors occur when
the COMx driver is starting up, it will not terminate, but will
continue attempts to open the COMx port.
-r: Driver will raise DTR
only when transmitting.
-ri: DTR is raised when
there is enough room in the input buffer to receive incoming
characters and drop DTR when there is not enough room in the input
-rPRE,POST: When
transmitting a message the driver will raise DTR for PRE
milliseconds, transmit message, wait for POST milliseconds then
drop DTR.
-sc: Activates software flow
control using XON and XOFF
XonLim: A number in bytes. This
represents the level reached in the input buffer before the XON
character is sent (30 bytes)
. XoffLim: The maximum number of bytes
accepted in the input buffer before the XOFF character is sent.
This is calculated by subtracting (in bytes) 100 from the size of
the input buffer
-t: Driver will raise RTS
only when transmitting.
-ti: RTS is raised when
there is enough room in the input buffer to receive incoming
characters and drop RTS when there is not enough room in the input
-to: RTS is raised only
when there are characters to transmit.
-tPRE,POST: When
transmitting a message the driver will raise RTS for PRE
milliseconds, transmit message, wait for POST milliseconds then
drop RTS..