Data collection in CitectSCADA incorporates two main
Trends - The
trends system allows you to collect and monitor plant data.
Depending on your requirements, data can be collected on a periodic
basis, or when a specific event occurs. The data can then be saved
to disk for analysis or displayed on a graph or report. To use
trends in your system, you will need to be familiar with how to
configure trend tags and display trend data in a graph or
Reports -
Reports provide information on the status of your plant and
processes. You can configure reports with the following information
so that they meet your operational requirements:
Reports can be run on a request basis, periodically, or when a
specific event occurs.
Report format:
You can use a text editor to create a file that specifies how a
report is displayed.
Report output:
Reports can be output to a file, device, or displayed on a graphics