Using CitectSCADA > Communicating with I/O Devices > Troubleshooting Device Communications > Procedure for debugging TCP/IP
Procedure for debugging TCP/IP

Use the following steps for debugging:

  1. Check if you can PING your target I/O Device. If you can't, CitectSCADA cannot talk to it. To do this open up a Command Window and type PINGaaa.bbb.ccc.ddd where a.b.c.d is the IP address of the I/O Device you are trying to connect to. If PING does not work, you need to go back to your Windows Networking and fix that.
  2. Keep using your Simple As Possible Project (SAPP).
  3. Delete any old tcpip.dat files.
  4. Set the Debug=1 and Log=1 parameters in your Citect.ini file.
  5. Start the project. From the information in the maximized Main window of the Kernel and the TCP/IP Debug window, you can see if CitectSCADA is sending requests to your I/O Device to initialize communications with it.

If there are no requests being sent, your software is improperly configured, and check that there were no errors on startup of CitectSCADA. If there were errors on startup, look them up in the Help. Also check that your computer is an I/O Server (and that it matches the one in your project). To do this run the Computer Setup Wizard, and configure the computer for a standalone configuration.

If there are requests, you can see communications between CitectSCADA and Winsock in a separate window, which displays the requests made by CitectSCADA to connect to the I/O Device and the corresponding response from the I/O Device. Any errors have a Winsock Error code that you can look up in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. If you see a Connection OK message, CitectSCADA will be able to come online.

See Also