The data returned can vary drastically depending
on the display mode of the TrnQuery. The display mode is split into
the following mutually exclusive options:
Ordering Trend sample options
0 - Order returned samples from
oldest to newest
1 - Order returned samples from
newest to oldest. This mode is not supported when the Raw data
option has been specified.
Condense method options
0 - Set the condense method to
use the mean of the samples.
4 - Set the condense method to
use the minimum of the samples.
8 - Set the condense method to
use the maximum of the samples.
12 - Set the condense method to
use the newest of the samples.
Stretch method options
0 - Set the stretch method to
128 - Set the stretch method to
use a ratio.
256 - Set the stretch method to
use raw samples (no interpolation).
Gap Fill Constant option
n - the number of missed samples
that the user wants to gap fill) x 4096.
Last valid value option
0 - If we are leaving the value
given with a bad quality sample as 0.
2097152 - If we are to set the
value of a bad quality sample to the last valid value (zero if
there is no last valid value).
Raw data option
0 - If we are not returning raw
data, that is we are using the condense and stretch modes to
compress and interpolate the data.
4194304 - If we are to return
totally raw data, that is no compression or interpolation. This
mode is only supported if we have specified the DataMode of the
query = 1. When using this mode, more samples than the maximum
specified above will be returned if there are more raw samples than
the maximum in the time range.