Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > Form Functions Introduction > FormSecurePassword


Adds both a password prompt and edit field to the current form. You should call this function only after the FormNew() function and before the FormRead() function. When FormRead() is called, the form will also display the password prompt and edit field.

The operator's input is not echoed in the field; a single asterisk (*) is displayed for each character. The function does not return the password as a plain text, it returns an encrypted password string. The user can send this string to the UserLogin or UserVerify functions.


FormSecurePassword(Col, Row, Prompt, Password, Width)


The number of the column in which the prompt will be placed. Enter a number from 0 (column 1) to the form width - 1. For example, to place the prompt in column 8, enter 7.


The number of the row in which the prompt will be placed. Enter a number from 0 (row 1) to the form height - 1. For example, to place the prompt in row 6, enter 5.


The prompt string.


The encrypted password entered by the operator.


The width of the edit field.

Return Value

The field handle if it is added successfully, otherwise -1 is returned.

Related Functions

FormEdit, UserLogin, UserVerify


! Add Password input.
FormSecurePassword(1,2,"Enter Password",Password,10);

See Also

Form Functions