Following are functions relating to Tasks:
Sets the execution mode of a Cicode task. |
Requests permission for the current thread to have access to a critical shared resource (critical section). If the critical section is already being accessed, the thread will be granted access when it is free. |
Halts the current Cicode task. |
Relinquishes the current thread's ownership of a critical shared resource (critical section). |
Broadcasts a message. |
Closes a message. |
Gets the handle of the message that called the current report or remote procedure. |
Opens a message session with a CitectSCADA server or client. |
Reads a message from a session. |
Calls a remote procedure on another CitectSCADA computer. |
Verifies the status of a message session. |
Writes a message to a session. |
Closes a queue. |
Gets the current length of a queue. |
Creates or opens a queue. |
Searches a queue for a queue element. |
Reads elements from a queue. |
Writes elements to a queue. |
ReRead is deprecated in this version. |
Closes a semaphore. |
Creates or opens a semaphore. |
Signals a semaphore. |
Waits on a semaphore. |
Calls a remote procedure on a Citect server. |
Suspends the current Cicode task for a specified time. |
Suspends the current Cicode task for a specified time (in milliseconds). |
TaskCall | Calls a Cicode function by specifying the function name and providing an arguments string. |
Gets the name of the cluster context in which the current task is executing. |
Retrieves a value that indicates the stop signal for a specific task. |
Gets the handle of a particular task. |
Kills a running task. |
Creates a new task. |
Creates a new task with a subscription rate. |
Resumes a task. |
Ends a task by manually triggering its stop signal. |
Suspends a task. |
See Also