CitectVBA Programming Reference > CitectVBA Function Reference > Declarations > Const


Assigns a symbolic name to a constant value using the following syntax:

Const VarName [As DataType] = Expression

A constant must be defined before it is used. Unlike variables, constants are assigned values when initialized and retain that same value during the life of the constant.

Constant statements can only be declared and assigned using simple expressions. Constants can NOT be assigned values from variables, user-defined functions, intrinsic CitectVBA functions (such as Chr), or from any expression that involves an operator.

Constants declared in a Sub or Function procedure are local to that procedure. A constant declared outside a procedure has modular scope to all procedures within the same CitectVBA file module. See Scope of CitectVBA.

Constants can be used anywhere in your CitectVBA code where you could use a CitectVBA expression.

If you use Const outside a procedure its scope becomes global.

A type declaration character may also be used. However if none is used, CitectVBA will automatically assign one of the following data types to the constant: long (if it is a long or integer); Double (if a decimal place is present); or String (if it is a string).


Const(VarName, Exp)


A string representing a valid variable name.


A valid string, number or Variant containing a value recognizable as a string or number.

Related Functions

Dim | ReDim | Static


' Correct declaration examples
' long assignment
Const Seven = 7
' double assignment
Const Pi = 3.14159
' string assignment
Const Lab = "Laboratory"

' Incorrect declaration examples
' NOTE that the following declarations demonstrate incorrect assignments
' because each contains an operator
Const conPi = 4 * Atn(1)
' will cause a CitectVBA compile error
Const conDegToRad = (conPi / 180)
' will cause a CitectVBA compile error