CitectVBA Programming Reference > CitectVBA Function Reference > Declarations


CitectVBA declarations allow you to manipulate and control variables and constants. The Declaration functions and statements predefined in CitectVBA are:

CreateObject function

Creates an OLE Automation object reference

Const statement

Assigns a symbolic name to a constant value.

Declare statement

Declare references to external procedures in a DLL.

Dim statement

Allocates storage for, and declares the data type of, variables and arrays.


Determines if a Variant parameter can be converted to a date.


Determines if a Variant parameter has been initialized.


Determines if a Variant contains NULL.


Determines if a Variant can be converted to a numeric data type.

Nothing keyword

Releases an OLE Automation object reference from a variable of object type.

Option Base statement

Declares the default lower bound for array subscripts.

Option Compare statement

Determines the default string comparison method. Forces explicit declaration of all variables.

ReDim statement

Used to size or resize a dynamic array.

Set statement

Assigns an OLE Automation object reference to a variable of object type.

Static statement

Allocates storage for, and declares the data type of, variables and arrays.


Indicates the data type used within the Variant.